PAUL 680 (04) - BiP-Competitive Intelligence Topics

BiP:C/Comm Impact Start-Ups

Durham Paul College of Business&Econ::Paul College Business & Econ
Credits: 2.0
Class Size: 25 
Term:  Fall 2024 - Full Term (08/26/2024 - 12/09/2024)
CRN:  14263
Grade Mode:  Credit/Fail Grading
Business in Practice: Competitive Intelligence develops students' abilities to gather, analyze, and distribute information and ideas about products, customers, competitors or the external environment. An emphasis is placed on experiential learning and instruction from business professionals. Rotating topic courses are offered to meet the needs of the ever-changing business environment. Cr/F, unless noted as letter graded in the section or additional course description.
Section Comments: BiP:C/Community Impact Start-ups: Incubator
Registration Approval Required. Contact Instructor or Academic Department for permission then register through Webcat.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits.
Only listed campus in section: Durham
Only listed colleges in section: Paul College of Business&Econ
Classes not allowed in section: Freshman

Times & Locations

Start Date End Date Days Time Location
8/26/2024 12/9/2024 R 12:40pm - 2:00pm PCBE 135

Additional Course Details:


Community Impact Start-ups: 


This course introduces the idea of developing a mission-driven social enterprise that addresses some social problem or unfulfilled social need at the community level. The goal is to create meaningful change or impact that unites and connects the community while improving the quality of life of its residents. 

Positive change can happen through redevelopment and renovation projects such as housing and parks. It can also come in the form of revitalization and reinvestment in neighborhoods and businesses, and through after school youth programs and neighborhood beautification initiatives.

In addition, leveraging local knowledge and resources helps to establish and implement these objectives so social as well as financial growth opportunities can develop. Students will be placed in teams to develop a community-based business model that provides for lasting positive impact with the overriding social theme: help build a better place for a better tomorrow.