Timeroom: Spring 2024

Displaying 381 - 390 of 417 Results for: Campus = CPS Online
CPS Online   Coll of Professional Studies :: Psychology-CPSO

PSY 710 (01) - The Biology of Addiction

The Biology of Addiction

Online Course Delivery Method: Online Asynchronous
Credits: 4.0
Term: Spring 2024 - Term 3 (01/23/2024 - 03/15/2024)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   30  
CRN: 55982
This course introduces the biological mechanisms of substance use and misuse (e.g., nervous system activity, tolerance, withdrawal, and metabolism) and the resulting behavioral and health consequences. Students will also examine the classification of various substances, epidemiological data and trends, the diagnoses and diagnostic criteria of substance use disorders, genetic and biological influences on addiction, and biological theories of addiction. Other potential topics include behavioral addictions (e.g., gambling, eating, video games, or sex) and the effects of drugs on individuals, families, and society.
Advisor Approval Required. Contact your Academic Advisor for approval and registration.
Prerequisite(s): PSY 410 or PSY 501G
Equivalent(s): PSY 610G
Mutual Exclusion : PSYC 733
Campuses not allowed in section: Durham
Attributes: Phys & Natural World (Gen Ed), Online (no campus visits), EUNH
Instructors: Tyler Wilks
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
1/23/2024 3/15/2024 Hours Arranged ONLINE
CPS Online   Coll of Professional Studies :: Psychology-CPSO

PSY 710 (02) - The Biology of Addiction

The Biology of Addiction

Online Course Delivery Method: Online Asynchronous
Credits: 4.0
Term: Spring 2024 - Term 4 (03/25/2024 - 05/17/2024)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   25  
CRN: 55983
This course introduces the biological mechanisms of substance use and misuse (e.g., nervous system activity, tolerance, withdrawal, and metabolism) and the resulting behavioral and health consequences. Students will also examine the classification of various substances, epidemiological data and trends, the diagnoses and diagnostic criteria of substance use disorders, genetic and biological influences on addiction, and biological theories of addiction. Other potential topics include behavioral addictions (e.g., gambling, eating, video games, or sex) and the effects of drugs on individuals, families, and society.
Advisor Approval Required. Contact your Academic Advisor for approval and registration.
Prerequisite(s): PSY 410 or PSY 501G
Equivalent(s): PSY 610G
Mutual Exclusion : PSYC 733
Campuses not allowed in section: Durham, Manchester
Attributes: Phys & Natural World (Gen Ed), Online (no campus visits), EUNH
Instructors: Tyler Wilks
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
3/25/2024 5/17/2024 Hours Arranged ONLINE
CPS Online   Coll of Professional Studies :: Psychology-CPSO

PSY 725 (01) - Cognitive Psychology

Cognitive Psychology

Online Course Delivery Method: Online Asynchronous
Credits: 4.0
Term: Spring 2024 - Term 4 (03/25/2024 - 05/17/2024)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   30  
CRN: 55984
This course introduces some of the major topics related to human cognition, including perception, attention, memory, knowledge acquisition, language, problem solving, reasoning, and decision making. Students will explore the historical context, current theories, neurobiological underpinnings, research methods, and empirical research relevant to the field of cognitive psychology. Comprehension will be enhanced through the application of cognitive principles to understand everyday behavior and solve practical problems.
Advisor Approval Required. Contact your Academic Advisor for approval and registration.
Prerequisite(s): IDIS 560 or IDIS 501G
Equivalent(s): PSY 609G
Mutual Exclusion : PSYC 513
Campuses not allowed in section: Durham
Attributes: Writing Intensive Course, Online (no campus visits), HumanBehav&Social Sys (Gen Ed), EUNH
Instructors: Kathleen Bartolini
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
3/25/2024 5/17/2024 Hours Arranged ONLINE
CPS Online   Coll of Professional Studies :: Psychology-CPSO

PSY 740 (01) - Biopsychology


Online Course Delivery Method: Online Asynchronous
Credits: 4.0
Term: Spring 2024 - Term 3 (01/23/2024 - 03/15/2024)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   30  
CRN: 55985
This course addresses the relationship between the brain and behavior to provide an overview of the biological basis of thoughts, actions, and feelings. Topics may include basic functional neuroanatomy and physiology, sleeping and dreaming, emotion, biopsychological research methods, learning and memory, development of the brain, sensation and perception, motor control, language and lateralization, substance use and neuropharmacology, emotion, and behavioral health problems (for example, stress-related disorders, anxiety, depression, or schizophrenia) and their pharmacological treatment. Comprehension will be enhanced through the application of biopsychological principles to understand everyday behavior and solve practical problems. NOTE: SCI 490 recommended.
Advisor Approval Required. Contact your Academic Advisor for approval and registration.
Prerequisite(s): IDIS 560 or IDIS 501G
Equivalent(s): PSY 601G, SCI 600G
Mutual Exclusion : PSYC 531
Campuses not allowed in section: Durham
Attributes: Writing Intensive Course, Phys & Natural World (Gen Ed), Online (no campus visits), EUNH
Instructors: Elizabeth Reed
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
1/23/2024 3/15/2024 Hours Arranged ONLINE
CPS Online   Coll of Professional Studies :: Psychology-CPSO

PSY 795 (01) - Integrative Capstone: Internship in Applied Psychology

Int:Internshp Applied Psy

Online Course Delivery Method: Online Asynchronous
Credits: 4.0
Term: Spring 2024 - Full Term (01/23/2024 - 05/06/2024)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   30  
CRN: 55986
This capstone course is a field-based internship designed to develop and hone the practical application skills of an Applied Psychology major. The course requires students to integrate the knowledge and skills gained from other courses in the program and to demonstrate the ability to apply their knowledge to new subject matter and practical situations. Students apply for an internship at a self-selected site and negotiate the terms of the internship experience with a site supervisor under the auspices of their faculty mentor. The internship requires documented evidence of eighty hours of supervised experience and practice in a field setting where psychology-related knowledge and skills are applied. NOTE: Registration for this course, an internship, is by permission of Academic Affairs. Early registration deadlines may apply. Prior to capstone enrollment, students are expected to complete the majority of their required major courses. Students should consult with their advisor regarding specific major courses that may be completed with their capstone. NOTE: Students who were admitted to the college before Fall 2019 and have remained active in their original catalog year are not required to take IDIS 601.
Advisor Approval Required. Contact your Academic Advisor for approval and registration.
Prerequisite(s): (CRIT 602 or CRIT 602G or CRIT 502G) and (IDIS 601 or IDIS 601G)
Equivalent(s): BEHS 651G
Campuses not allowed in section: Durham
Attributes: Writing Intensive Course, Online (no campus visits), EUNH
Instructors: Heather Geoffroy
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
1/23/2024 5/6/2024 Hours Arranged ONLINE
CPS Online   Coll of Professional Studies :: Psychology-CPSO

PSY 797 (01) - Integrative Capstone: Project in Applied Psychology

Integ: Proj Applied Psy

Online Course Delivery Method: Online Asynchronous
Credits: 4.0
Term: Spring 2024 - Full Term (01/23/2024 - 05/06/2024)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   30  
CRN: 55987
This capstone course in applied psychology requires students to integrate the knowledge and skills gained from other courses in the program and to demonstrate the ability to apply their knowledge to new subject matter and practical situations. Students will complete an independent project that requires conducting scholarly research on a chosen topic, critically evaluating the relevant literature, and synthesizing peer-reviewed sources into a scientific paper that conforms to APA formatting standards. Students will become familiar with the APA ethical standards regarding human research, and students choosing to conduct an empirical study collecting data from human participants will be required to undergo a review and approval process by the Institutional Review Board (IRB). Prior to capstone enrollment, students are expected to complete the majority of their required major courses. Students should consult with their advisor regarding specific major courses that may be completed with their capstone. NOTE: Students who were admitted to the college before Fall 2019 and have remained active in their original catalog year are not required to take IDIS 601.
Advisor Approval Required. Contact your Academic Advisor for approval and registration.
Prerequisite(s): (CRIT 602 or CRIT 602G or CRIT 502G) and (IDIS 601 or IDIS 601G)
Equivalent(s): BEHS 650G
Campuses not allowed in section: Durham
Attributes: Writing Intensive Course, Online (no campus visits), EUNH
Instructors: Tyler Wilks
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
1/23/2024 5/6/2024 Hours Arranged ONLINE
CPS Online   Coll of Professional Studies :: Science

SCI 470 (01) - Physical Geography

Physical Geography

Online Course Delivery Method: Online Asynchronous
Credits: 4.0
Term: Spring 2024 - Term 3 (01/23/2024 - 03/15/2024)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   30  
CRN: 56087
Physical Geography is the study of planet Earth. In this course, students examine the nature of the Earth's six spheres: the atmosphere (the layer of gases); hydrosphere (the water in oceans, streams, lakes, etc.); cryosphere (the ice in glaciers); geosphere (the solid earth), biosphere (life); and anthrosphere (humans and human activities). By investigating the processes operating within each sphere and how these spheres interact with each other to shape all aspects of our planet, students gain an understanding of how the Earth works and how landscape features have formed.
Advisor Approval Required. Contact your Academic Advisor for approval and registration.
Equivalent(s): SCI 518G
Campuses not allowed in section: Durham
Attributes: Phys & Natural World (Gen Ed), Physical Science(Discovery), Online (no campus visits), EUNH
Instructors: Nicole Marvell
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
1/23/2024 3/15/2024 Hours Arranged ONLINE
CPS Online   Coll of Professional Studies :: Science

SCI 490 (01) - Human Biology

Human Biology

Online Course Delivery Method: Online Asynchronous
Credits: 4.0
Term: Spring 2024 - Term 4 (03/25/2024 - 05/17/2024)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   30  
CRN: 55988
This course is an introductory study of anatomy and physiology that provides a foundation in biological science and the structure and function of the human body. Topics explored include cellular biology and molecular composition, tissues, organs, and how the human body systems perform and adapt. The building of a relevant vocabulary and a foundation of facts and concepts provides the background needed for further understanding of developments in bioscience and biomedicine.
Advisor Approval Required. Contact your Academic Advisor for approval and registration.
Equivalent(s): SCI 505G
Campuses not allowed in section: Durham
Attributes: Phys & Natural World (Gen Ed), Online (no campus visits), EUNH, Biological Science(Discovery)
Instructors: Karen West
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
3/25/2024 5/17/2024 Hours Arranged ONLINE
CPS Online   Coll of Professional Studies :: Science

SCI 502 (01) - Nutrition and Health

Nutrition and Health

Online Course Delivery Method: Online Asynchronous
Credits: 4.0
Term: Spring 2024 - Term 3 (01/23/2024 - 03/15/2024)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   50  
CRN: 55989
This course provides the student with a foundation in the science of human nutrition and metabolism. The research supporting direct and indirect links between nutrition and disease is introduced. Topics covered may include the biological functions and food sources of each nutrient; nutrition guidelines and standards; digestion and absorption of nutrients; nutrition throughout the lifecycle; food safety and technology; energy balance and weight management; eating disorders and disturbances; and physical activity.
Advisor Approval Required. Contact your Academic Advisor for approval and registration.
Equivalent(s): SCI 502G
Campuses not allowed in section: Durham
Attributes: Phys & Natural World (Gen Ed), Online (no campus visits), EUNH, Biological Science(Discovery)
Instructors: Karen West
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
1/23/2024 3/15/2024 Hours Arranged ONLINE
CPS Online   Coll of Professional Studies :: Science

SCI 509 (01) - Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

Dis Prev & Hlth Promo

Online Course Delivery Method: Online Asynchronous
Credits: 4.0
Term: Spring 2024 - Term 4 (03/25/2024 - 05/17/2024)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   30  
CRN: 55990
This course is a survey of various diseases that have emerged as serious health problems on a global scale. Students examine the etiology, transmission, detection, treatment, and method of prevention of ancient and newer diseases that continue to pose health threats, including risks related to pandemic and endemic disease.
Advisor Approval Required. Contact your Academic Advisor for approval and registration.
Equivalent(s): SCI 509G
Campuses not allowed in section: Durham
Attributes: Phys & Natural World (Gen Ed), Online (no campus visits), EUNH, Biological Science(Discovery)
Instructors: Christine Robertson
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
3/25/2024 5/17/2024 Hours Arranged ONLINE