Timeroom: Fall 2022

Displaying 411 - 420 of 4400 Results for: All Courses
Durham   Life Sciences & Agriculture :: Biology

BIOL 806 (02) - Data Science with R for the Life Sciences

Data Science for Life Sciences

Credits: 4.0
Term: Fall 2022 - Full Term (08/29/2022 - 12/12/2022)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   20  
CRN: 15702
Introduces students to the basic data analysis and programming tools commonly used throughout the life sciences. Students will become proficient in R programming, data wrangling and cleaning, the principles of open and reproducible science, SQL database management, version control via Git/Github, building maps, and Bash command lines. Data sets and case studies from across the life sciences will be used throughout the course. The class culminates with an small group project.
Registration Approval Required. Contact Instructor or Academic Department for permission then register through Webcat.
Instructors: STAFF
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
8/29/2022 12/12/2022 T 2:10pm - 3:30pm KING N343
8/29/2022 12/12/2022 T 3:40pm - 5:00pm PETT G10
Durham   Life Sciences & Agriculture :: Biology

BIOL 827 (01) - Animal Communication

Animal Communication

Credits: 4.0
Term: Fall 2022 - Full Term (08/29/2022 - 12/12/2022)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   5  
CRN: 16177
This course examines the principles underlying how animals communicate with each other and why they communicate the way they do by using perspectives drawn from a broad range of disciplines including physics, chemistry, ecology, psychology, economics, and behavioral ecology. Students will explore the primary literature, and work in teams to conduct independent research. The course is intended for advanced undergraduate or graduate students interested in neuroscience and behavior, evolution, wildlife and conservation biology, or zoology.Prereq: BIOL 412.
Registration Approval Required. Contact Instructor or Academic Department for permission then register through Webcat.
Instructors: STAFF
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
8/29/2022 12/12/2022 MWF 9:10am - 10:00am MORR 103
Durham   Life Sciences & Agriculture :: Biology

BIOL 852 (01) - New England Mushrooms: a Field and Lab Exploration

New England Mushrooms

Credits: 4.0
Term: Fall 2022 - Full Term (08/29/2022 - 12/12/2022)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   3  
CRN: 14807
Special Fees: $125.00
This is a hands-on field, lab and lecture course in the identification, classification, life histories, and ecology of mushrooms and other macrofungi. Lectures focus on macrofungal ecology and systematics. Laboratory instruction emphasizes morphological, microscopic, and molecular identification techniques, plus the use of smart-phone field note recording and on-line resources. Several field trips are required in addition to the weekly laboratory. Previous experience with fungi is not required. Grades are based on a collection, a project, and presentations. Prereq: Intro course in Biology or Plant Biology, or permission.
Registration Approval Required. Contact Instructor or Academic Department for permission then register through Webcat.
Equivalent(s): PBIO 852
Instructors: STAFF
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
8/29/2022 12/12/2022 M 9:10am - 12:00pm SLS 181
8/29/2022 12/12/2022 W 9:10am - 12:00pm SLS 278
Durham   Life Sciences & Agriculture :: Biology

BIOL 895 (01) - Advanced Studies

Advanced Studies

Credits: 1.0 to 4.0
Term: Fall 2022 - Full Term (08/29/2022 - 12/12/2022)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
CRN: 15494
Advanced research or seminar, supervised by a faculty member.
Department Approval Required. Contact Academic Department for permission then register through Webcat.
Instructors: STAFF
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
8/29/2022 12/12/2022 Hours Arranged TBA
Durham   Life Sciences & Agriculture :: Biology

BIOL 899 (01) - Master's Thesis

Master's Thesis

Credits: 1.0 to 10.0
Term: Fall 2022 - Full Term* (08/29/2022 - 12/12/2022)
Grade Mode: Graduate Credit/Fail grading
CRN: 13092
Master's thesis research. Cr/F.
Department Approval Required. Contact Academic Department for permission then register through Webcat.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 10 credits.
Instructors: STAFF
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
8/29/2022 12/12/2022 Hours Arranged TBA
Durham   Life Sciences & Agriculture :: Biology

BIOL 901 (01) - Introductory Graduate Seminar

Intro Graduate Seminar

Credits: 2.0
Term: Fall 2022 - Full Term (08/29/2022 - 12/12/2022)
Grade Mode: Graduate Credit/Fail grading
Class Size:   20  
CRN: 11511
This seminar provides an introduction to the Biological Sciences Graduate Program, offering students an overview of program structure and requirements, introducing faculty research and campus resources, and helping participants develop skills and strategies useful in graduate school. Requirements include preparation of a written research proposal and a brief oral presentation. Cr/F.
Registration Approval Required. Contact Instructor or Academic Department for permission then register through Webcat.
Equivalent(s): ZOOL 901
Instructors: STAFF
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
8/29/2022 12/12/2022 M 1:10pm - 3:00pm RUDMAN 110
Durham   Life Sciences & Agriculture :: Biology

BIOL 902 (01) - Writing and Publishing Science

Scientific Writing

Credits: 2.0
Term: Fall 2022 - Full Term (08/29/2022 - 12/12/2022)
Grade Mode: Graduate Credit/Fail grading
Class Size:   20  
CRN: 12575
Participants in this seminar (1) make significant progress on one or more of their current academic writing projects; (2) increase their understanding of the genres, protocols, and mechanisms of scientific writing and publishing; and (3) develop strategies and skills for getting professional writing done efficiently and well, in graduate school and beyond. Cr/F.
Registration Approval Required. Contact Instructor or Academic Department for permission then register through Webcat.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits.
Instructors: STAFF
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
8/29/2022 12/12/2022 F 10:10am - 12:00pm NESM 329
Durham   Life Sciences & Agriculture :: Biology

BIOL 999 (09) - Doctoral Dissertation Research

Doctoral Dissertation Research

Credits: 0.0
Term: Fall 2022 - Full Term (08/29/2022 - 12/12/2022)
Grade Mode: Graduate Credit/Fail grading
CRN: 17006
Doctoral dissertation research. Cr/F.
Department Approval Required. Contact Academic Department for permission then register through Webcat.
Instructors: STAFF
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
8/29/2022 12/12/2022 Hours Arranged TBA

BIOT 415 (M1) - Millyard Scholars Seminar

Millyard Scholars Seminar

Credits: 2.0
Term: Fall 2022 - UNHM Credit (15 weeks) (08/29/2022 - 12/12/2022)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   16  
CRN: 14283
Through in-class activities, workshops and guest speakers, students in the Millyard Scholars Program will explore career paths, and develop resources and skills for academic success. All student work, planning and experiences will be showcased in a digital portfolio.
Section Comments: Millyard Scholars only
Instructor Approval Required. Contact Instructor for permission then register through Webcat.
Equivalent(s): BSCI 415
Instructors: STAFF
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
8/29/2022 12/12/2022 T 1:01pm - 2:30pm PANDRA P366

BIOT 501 (M1) - Ethical Issues in Biology

Ethical Issues in Biology

Credits: 4.0
Term: Fall 2022 - Half Term I (08/29/2022 - 10/14/2022)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   12  
CRN: 14284
This course is an introduction to the ethical issues associated with current and future use of biotechnology. Students will think critically about different ethical problems that emerge from scientific research and its applications to medical technology. The focus will be on personal and public policy decision making. Prereq: BIOL 413 and 414 or BIOL 411 and BIOL 412.
Instructor Approval Required. Contact Instructor for permission then register through Webcat.
Equivalent(s): BSCI 501
Only listed majors in section: BIOTECHNOLOGY
Attributes: Writing Intensive Course, Online with some campus visits, EUNH
Instructors: STAFF
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
8/29/2022 10/14/2022 W 1:01pm - 3:50pm PANDRA P504
8/29/2022 10/14/2022 Hours Arranged ONLINE