Term: Fall 2024 - Full Term (08/26/2024 - 12/09/2024)
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
CRN: 16463
Times & Locations
Start Date | End Date | Days | Time | Location |
8/26/2024 | 12/9/2024 | T | 2:10pm - 3:30pm | STOKE 150 |
Enterprise Risk Management:
Today’s companies, regardless of industry, face a wide variety of risks that challenge their ability to succeed and thrive. Cybersecurity attacks, extreme weather events, rising interest rates, geopolitical risk, pandemics, supply chain disruption, poor internal controls, reputational damage from real or false social media information – the list is seemingly endless. In this course, students will walk through a framework for identifying, assessing, and managing risk that helps companies focus on the risks that matter most to them and supports effective decision-making.
Student teams will identify material risks facing today’s businesses, assess their potential impact on a company’s stated strategy, and develop a Risk Appetite Statement and supporting rationale that articulates the level of risk the company can accept as it seeks to meet its goals.