HMSV 797 (X1) - Integrative Capstone: Project in Human Services

Integ Cap: Proj Hmn Svc

CPS Online Coll of Professional Studies::Human Services
Online Course Delivery Method: Online Asynchronous
Credits: 4.0
Class Size: 10 
Term:  Summer 2024 - Term 5 (05/28/2024 - 07/19/2024)
CRN:  71011
Grade Mode:  Letter Grading
This project-based integrative capstone course in Human Services focuses on the concepts and techniques of successful Human Services practitioners. Students integrate the knowledge and skills gained from other courses in the Human Services program and demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge to new subject matter and practical situations. Students develop and implement a project within their chosen concentration (professional interest) that includes an applied research project, a written rationale, and synthesis of theory and practice. NOTE: Students must follow college policy that all research activities that involve human participants, regardless of the level of risk foreseen, require review and written approval by the College's Institutional Review Board prior to the initiation of the activity. Prior to capstone enrollment, students are expected to complete the majority of their required major courses. Students should consult with their advisor regarding specific major courses that may be completed with their capstone. NOTE: Students who were admitted to the college before Fall 2019 and have remained active in their original catalog year are not required to take IDIS 601.
Advisor Approval Required. Contact your Academic Advisor for approval and registration.
Prerequisite(s): (CRIT 602G or CRIT 602 or CRIT 502G) and (IDIS 601 or IDIS 601G)
Equivalent(s):  HMSV 650G
Campuses not allowed in section: Durham
Attributes:  Writing Intensive Course, Online (no campus visits), EUNH
Instructors:  Michelle Alvarez

Times & Locations

Start Date End Date Days Time Location
5/28/2024 7/19/2024 Hours Arranged ONLINE