This course will explore how digital media technologies inform strategies of self-presentation and practices of identity formation. We will situate contemporary practices of self-presentation within the historical development of the internet and sociological theories of identity. Students will be encouraged to examine how the internet and mobile technologies challenge existing understandings of concepts such as anonymity, authenticity, reputation, and privacy. Throughout the course, students will be asked to think critically about the ways in which traditional identity markers - such as race, gender, and class - are both challenged and reproduced in digital environments. Drawing on the current digital media landscape, we will explore several contemporary issues including privacy and reputation, self-branding and microcelebrity, online dating, and self-tracking. Throughout the semester, students will use academic literature to identify and address real-world problems.
Instructor Approval Required. Contact Instructor for permission then register through Webcat.
Only listed campus in section: Durham, Manchester
Majors not allowed in section: CMN:BUSAPPL, CMN:MEDIA, COMMUNICATION