Timeroom: Spring 2023

Displaying 1 - 10 of 43 Results for: Subject = RMP

RMP 411 (1ON) - Applied Recreation Risk Management

Recreation Risk Management

Credits: 2.0
Term: Spring 2023 - Half Term II (03/20/2023 - 05/08/2023)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   20  
CRN: 55956
This course prepares students for leadership and management activities in recreational settings. Students will become familiar with professional standards in applied recreation contexts, examine risk management principles, and pursue certifications in areas such as: defensive driving, child protection, wilderness first aid, and CPR. At the end of the course students will be equipped to lead various campus-based and off campus recreational programs.
Registration Approval Required. Contact Instructor or Academic Department for permission then register through Webcat.
Only listed majors in section: RMP:OTDR LDR&M, RMP:PROG&EV MGT, RMP:THERAP REC
Attributes: Online (no campus visits), EUNH
Instructors: Wesley LeFevre
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
3/20/2023 5/8/2023 Hours Arranged ONLINE

RMP 490 (01) - Recreation & Tourism in Society

Recreation & Tourism in Soc

Credits: 4.0
Term: Spring 2023 - Full Term (01/24/2023 - 05/08/2023)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   110  
CRN: 50252
This course provides an overview of the historical and philosophical framework for the comparison of concepts, theories, and the inter-relationships between factors (social, economic, political, psychological) that influence our recreation and tourism experiences. Students explore how recreation is reflected in arts, literature, history, philosophy, psychology, sociology, economics, and anthropology, and will be introduced to different delivery systems, as well as a variety of relevant professional associations and career opportunities.
Registration Approval Required. Contact Instructor or Academic Department for permission then register through Webcat.
Equivalent(s): LMT 490, RMP 490H
Attributes: Social Science (Discovery)
Instructors: Forrest Schwartz
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
1/24/2023 5/8/2023 TR 2:10pm - 3:30pm HS 205

RMP 501 (01) - Recreation Services for Individuals with Disabilities

Rec Serv Indiv w/Disabilities

Credits: 4.0
Term: Spring 2023 - Full Term (01/24/2023 - 05/08/2023)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   38  
CRN: 50071
Presents and discusses issues that concern the delivery of quality leisure services to individuals with disabilities in community settings. Classroom activities provide opportunities for practical experience.
Registration Approval Required. Contact Instructor or Academic Department for permission then register through Webcat.
Equivalent(s): LMT 501
Instructors: Jessie Bennett
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
1/24/2023 5/8/2023 TR 9:40am - 11:00am KING N113

RMP 501 (02) - Recreation Services for Individuals with Disabilities

Rec Serv Indiv w/Disabilities

Credits: 4.0
Term: Spring 2023 - Full Term (01/24/2023 - 05/08/2023)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   10  
CRN: 52030
Presents and discusses issues that concern the delivery of quality leisure services to individuals with disabilities in community settings. Classroom activities provide opportunities for practical experience.
Registration Approval Required. Contact Instructor or Academic Department for permission then register through Webcat.
Equivalent(s): LMT 501
Instructors: Jessie Bennett
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
1/24/2023 5/8/2023 TR 9:40am - 11:00am KING N113

RMP 504 (01) - Therapeutic Recreation Mental Health Principles and Interventions

Therp Rec Mental Hlth Princple

Credits: 4.0
Term: Spring 2023 - Full Term (01/24/2023 - 05/08/2023)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   20  
CRN: 52271
Introduces mental health principles and recreational therapy interventions to improve functioning for people with emotional, social, and behavioral impairments. Students will learn and apply fundamental processes of clinical reasoning and treatment program planning to improve quality of life for persons with emotional, social, and behavioral impairments. Restricted to RMP majors.
Registration Approval Required. Contact Instructor or Academic Department for permission then register through Webcat.
Only listed majors in section: REC MGMT&POLICY, RMP:PROG&EV MGT, RMP:THERAP REC
Instructors: Jessie Bennett
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
1/24/2023 5/8/2023 TR 2:10pm - 3:30pm HEW 131

RMP 511 (01) - Issues of Wilderness and Nature in American Society

Iss Wilderness Nature Amer Soc

Credits: 4.0
Term: Spring 2023 - Full Term (01/24/2023 - 05/08/2023)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   200  
CRN: 50851
Provides students with an overview of the evolving relationship between wilderness/nature and American society. Examines the philosophy, ethics, and societal values in American society and its relationship to our natural wilderness. Recent issues are used as case studies in order for students to articulate, defend, and critique the ethical issues presented. Students are responsible for understanding and applying philosophical approaches developed by philosophers, writers, and activists associated with the wilderness, sustainability, biodiversity, hunting, suburban sprawl, environmental activism, endangered species, organic foods, and genetic engineering.
Registration Approval Required. Contact Instructor or Academic Department for permission then register through Webcat.
Attributes: Humanities(Disc)
Instructors: Sean McLaughlin
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
1/24/2023 5/8/2023 TR 11:10am - 12:30pm MURK 115

RMP 511 (02) - Issues of Wilderness and Nature in American Society

Iss Wilderness Nature Amer Soc

Credits: 4.0
Term: Spring 2023 - Full Term (01/24/2023 - 05/08/2023)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   8  
CRN: 52535
Provides students with an overview of the evolving relationship between wilderness/nature and American society. Examines the philosophy, ethics, and societal values in American society and its relationship to our natural wilderness. Recent issues are used as case studies in order for students to articulate, defend, and critique the ethical issues presented. Students are responsible for understanding and applying philosophical approaches developed by philosophers, writers, and activists associated with the wilderness, sustainability, biodiversity, hunting, suburban sprawl, environmental activism, endangered species, organic foods, and genetic engineering.
Registration Approval Required. Contact Instructor or Academic Department for permission then register through Webcat.
Only listed majors in section: RMP:OTDR LDR&M, RMP:PROG&EV MGT, RMP:THERAP REC
Attributes: Humanities(Disc)
Instructors: Sean McLaughlin
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
1/24/2023 5/8/2023 TR 11:10am - 12:30pm MURK 115

RMP 515 (01) - History of Outdoor Pursuits in North America

Hist Outdoor Pursuits North Am

Credits: 4.0
Term: Spring 2023 - Full Term (01/24/2023 - 05/08/2023)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   130  
CRN: 52778
Voluntary pursuits in the outdoors have defined American culture since the early 17th century. Over the past 400 years, activities in outdoor recreation an education have reflected Americans' spiritual aspirations, imperial ambitions, social concerns, and demographic changes. This course will give students the opportunity to learn how Americans' experiences in the outdoors have influenced and been influenced by major historical developments of the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th, and early 21st centuries. This course is cross-listed with KIN 515.
Registration Approval Required. Contact Instructor or Academic Department for permission then register through Webcat.
Equivalent(s): KIN 515
Attributes: Historical Perspectives(Disc)
Instructors: Michael Ferguson
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
1/24/2023 5/8/2023 TR 2:10pm - 3:30pm MCC 240

RMP 557 (01) - Program and Event Design

Program and Event Design

Credits: 4.0
Term: Spring 2023 - Full Term (01/24/2023 - 05/08/2023)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   40  
CRN: 53209
This course introduces students to a range of approaches to recreation program and event design, and focuses on providing leisure experiences for all populations. Course topics include foundations of programming, program theories, needs assessment techniques, vision, mission, goals, and objectives, processes of group planning, public relations, program promotion, and program evaluation. Students will design and deliver a recreation program using a team approach. Prereq: RMP 490. Permission required.
Registration Approval Required. Contact Instructor or Academic Department for permission then register through Webcat.
Equivalent(s): LMT 557
Classes not allowed in section: Freshman
Only listed majors in section: RMP:OTDR LDR&M, RMP:PROG&EV MGT, RMP:THERAP REC
Instructors: Matthew Frye
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
1/24/2023 5/8/2023 TR 11:10am - 12:30pm HEW 221

RMP 559 (01) - Marketing the Recreation Experience

Mktg Recreation

Credits: 4.0
Term: Spring 2023 - Full Term (01/24/2023 - 05/08/2023)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   40  
CRN: 53175
This course prepares students to apply marketing principles and strategies to recreation programs and events, including procedures for developing marketing plans for recreation and event organizations. Course content includes planning the marketing mix, with a focus on the recreation or event product, price, place, and promotion. The course covers the application of marketing and communication strategies delivered through social and audio-visual media. The culminating project consists of a marketing and communication plan for a recreation/leisure service agency. Prereq: RMP 490. Permission required. RMP Majors Only.
Registration Approval Required. Contact Instructor or Academic Department for permission then register through Webcat.
Equivalent(s): RMP 665
Only listed colleges in section: Health & Human Services
Classes not allowed in section: Freshman
Only listed majors in section: RMP:OTDR LDR&M, RMP:PROG&EV MGT, RMP:THERAP REC
Attributes: Writing Intensive Course
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
1/24/2023 5/8/2023 TR 3:40pm - 5:00pm PETT 114