Timeroom: January 2023

Displaying 31 - 40 of 61 Results for: Attributes = EUNH

LLC 555 (1HY) - Discover Cuba: An Arts Experience

Discover Cuba

Credits: 4.0
Term: January 2023 - Full Term (12/28/2022 - 01/20/2023)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   17  
CRN: 30137
Special Fees: $1,775.00
This discovery course is designed to provide students with first-hand experience of the art, history, culture, music and visual arts of Cuba. The course combines an online academic class with on-site experiential learning though a fourteen day trip to Cuba. The course takes a highly contextual approach, locating the artwork in its historical, social, economic and cultural context for students to analyze and understand the complexities of modern Cuba. Special fee.
Department Approval Required. Contact Academic Department for permission then register through Webcat.
Attributes: Online with some campus visits, Fine&PerformingArts(Discovery), EUNH
Instructors: Lina Lee
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
12/28/2022 1/20/2023 Hours Arranged ABROAD TBA
12/28/2022 1/20/2023 Hours Arranged ONLINE
Durham   Academic Affairs (Provost) :: Marine Sciences

MARI 902 (1ON) - Arctic Research Methods II

Arctic Research Methods II

Credits: 3.0
Term: January 2023 - January Term - online (12/28/2022 - 01/20/2023)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   10  
CRN: 30186
This course will build on Arctic Research Methods I, training students in methods needed to conduct Arctic convergence research projects. Techniques will including ground-based and remote sensing measurements of snow, ice, soil, vegetation, and built infrastructure. Students will also learn communication and education approaches necessary to facilitate collaboration between Arctic communities and researchers.
Instructor Approval Required. Contact Instructor for permission then register through Webcat.
Attributes: Scheduled meeting time, Online (no campus visits), EUNH
Instructors: Alexandra Contosta
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
1/3/2023 1/20/2023 MTWRF 11:10am - 1:00pm ONLINE
Additional Course Details: 

This course requires a trip to Alaska from January 7 - 14, 2022.

Durham   Engineering&Physical Sciences :: Mathematics&Statistics

MATH 732 (1ON) - Introduction to the R Software

Intro to the R Software

Credits: 1.0
Term: January 2023 - January Term - online (12/28/2022 - 01/20/2023)
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
Class Size:   15  
CRN: 30096
This course provides a basic introduction to the open-sources statistical software R for students who have never used this software or have never formally learned the basics of it. Topics include: Numeric calculations, simple and advanced graphics, object management and work-flow, RStudio, user-contributed packages, basic programming, writing of functions, statistical modeling and related graphs, distributed computing, reproducible research and document production via markup language. Cr/F.
Equivalent(s): MATH 759
Attributes: Online (no campus visits), EUNH
Instructors: Michelle Capozzoli
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
12/28/2022 1/20/2023 Hours Arranged ONLINE
Durham   Engineering&Physical Sciences :: Mathematics&Statistics

MATH 832 (1ON) - Introduction to the R Software

Intro to the R Software

Credits: 1.0
Term: January 2023 - January Term - online (12/28/2022 - 01/20/2023)
Grade Mode: Graduate Credit/Fail grading
Class Size:   15  
CRN: 30097
This course provides a basic introduction to the open-sources statistical software R for students who have never used this software or have never formally learned the basics of it. Topics include: Numeric calculations, simple and advanced graphics, object management and work-flow, RStudio, user-contributed packages, basic programming, writing of functions, statistical modeling and related graphs, distributed computing, reproducible research and document production via markup language. Cr/F.
Equivalent(s): MATH 859
Attributes: Online (no campus visits), EUNH
Instructors: Michelle Capozzoli
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
12/28/2022 1/20/2023 Hours Arranged ONLINE
Durham   Engineering&Physical Sciences :: Mechanical Engineering

ME 709 (1ON) - Computational Fluid Dynamics

Computational Fluid Dynamics

Credits: 3.0
Term: January 2023 - January Term - online (12/28/2022 - 01/20/2023)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   7  
CRN: 30026
Conservation of mass, momentum, and energy, discretization schemes, boundary and initial conditions, turbulence and turbulence models, two-equation models, CFD software such as OpenFOAM, best practice guidelines for CFD. The class incorporates the use and creation of Open Educational Resources (OER).
Attributes: Online (no campus visits), EUNH
Instructors: Ivo Nedyalkov
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
12/28/2022 1/20/2023 Hours Arranged ONLINE
Durham   Engineering&Physical Sciences :: Mechanical Engineering

ME 809 (1ON) - Computational Fluid Dynamics

Computational Fluid Dynamics

Credits: 3.0
Term: January 2023 - January Term - online (12/28/2022 - 01/20/2023)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   7  
CRN: 30027
Conservation of mass, momentum, and energy, discretization and discretization schemes, boundary and initial conditions, turbulence and turbulence models, two-equation models, CFD software such as OpenFOAM, best practice guidelines for CFD. The class incorporates the use and creation of Open Educational Resources (OER)
Attributes: Online (no campus visits), EUNH
Instructors: Ivo Nedyalkov
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
12/28/2022 1/20/2023 Hours Arranged ONLINE
Durham   Paul College of Business&Econ :: Marketing

MKTG 620 (1ON) - Topics in Marketing

Top/Digital Mktg Comm

Credits: 4.0
Term: January 2023 - January Term - online (12/28/2022 - 01/20/2023)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   25  
CRN: 30051
Special topics covering a variety of marketing principles, topics vary by semester. Prereqs: MKTG 550 or MKTG 530 or ADMN 585.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits.
Only listed classes in section: Junior, Senior
Attributes: Online (no campus visits), EUNH
Instructors: Peter Masucci
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
12/28/2022 1/20/2023 Hours Arranged ONLINE
Durham   Liberal Arts :: Music

MUSI 401 (1ON) - Introduction to Music

Introduction to Music

Credits: 4.0
Term: January 2023 - January Term - online (12/28/2022 - 01/20/2023)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   30  
CRN: 30003
Fundamental approach to analytical listening with attention to learning how to aurally recognize and apply the basic elements of music to a wide variety of specific musical works in oral and written contexts. Critical thinking and listening skills will be developed through study of music in a variety of cultural and historical perspectives. Some participation in musical life of the University may be required, unless this is the fully online version. This course does not fulfill a music major program requirement nor does it satisfy the Fine and Performing Arts Discovery requirement for any music major program.
Equivalent(s): MUSI 401H
Attributes: Online (no campus visits), Fine&PerformingArts(Discovery), EUNH
Instructors: Mark Zielinski
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
12/28/2022 1/20/2023 Hours Arranged ONLINE
Durham   Liberal Arts :: Music

MUSI 405 (1ON) - Survey of Music in America

Survey of Music in America

Credits: 4.0
Term: January 2023 - January Term - online (12/28/2022 - 01/20/2023)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   30  
CRN: 30038
From colonial times to the present, including various European influences, the quest for an American style, and the emergence of such indigenous phenomena as jazz. This course does not fulfill a music major program requirement nor does it satisfy the Fine and Performing Arts Discovery requirement for any music major program. (Formerly MUSI 511).
Equivalent(s): MUSI 511
Attributes: Online (no campus visits), Fine&PerformingArts(Discovery), EUNH
Instructors: Rob Haskins
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
12/28/2022 1/20/2023 Hours Arranged ONLINE
Durham   Health & Human Services :: Outdoor Education

OUT 515 (1ON) - History of Outdoor Pursuits in North America

Hist of Outdoor Pursuits in NA

Credits: 4.0
Term: January 2023 - January Term - online (12/28/2022 - 01/20/2023)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   25  
CRN: 30063
Voluntary pursuits in the outdoors have defined American culture since the early 17th century. Over the past 400 years, activities in outdoor recreation an education have reflected Americans' spiritual aspirations, imperial ambitions, social concerns, and demographic changes. This course will give students the opportunity to learn how Americans' experiences in the outdoors have influenced and been influenced by major historical developments of the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th, and early 21st centuries. This course is cross-listed with RMP 515.
Equivalent(s): KIN 515, RMP 515
Attributes: Online (no campus visits), Historical Perspectives(Disc), EUNH
Instructors: Nathan Fitch
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
12/28/2022 1/20/2023 Hours Arranged ONLINE
Additional Course Details: