This course introduces common technological and organizational measures for cybersecurity, with a focus on protection concepts. Students assess the organizational impacts of security measures, and explore how best practices, standards, and organizational policy can help manage such measures. Topics include identity management, authentication, access control, data and system security and availability, encryption, integrity mechanisms, system maintenance, and continuity of operations. Note that we do not focus on how to technically implement these security systems. Prereq: CPRM 810.
Section Comments: Tech requirements: microphone & webcam.
Registration Approval Required. Contact Instructor or Academic Department for permission then register through Webcat.
Only listed majors in section: CYBR SEC PRM
Attributes: Online (no campus visits), EUNH
Instructors: STAFF
Additional Course Details:
Students in other programs are welcome to request permission by contacting the program administrator Kathy Carlman at or (603) 641-4102.
Short 8-week format. Firm deadlines for assignments spread throughout the 8 weeks.