A) Medieval Spanish Literature, B) Spanish Literature of the Renaissance and the Golden Age, C) Spanish Literature of the 18th and 19th Centuries, D) Spanish Literature of the 20th Century (Poetry/Theater/Prose,), E) Contemporary Spanish Literature, F) Spanish Cultural Studies, G) Latin American Literature of the 16th and 17th Centuries, H) Latin American Literature of the 18th and 19th Centuries, I) 20th Century Latin American Literature (Poetry/Theater/Prose), J) Contemporary Latin American Literature, K) Cyberliterature and Cyberculture, L) Transatlantic Studies, M) Spanish and Latin American Philosophy and Essay, N) Indigenous Cultural Expression of the Americas, O) Hispanic Film Studies, P) U.S. Hispanic Cultural Studies, Q) Latin American Cultural Studies, R) Senior Seminar, S) Other. May be taken more than once for credit if no duplication of content.
Registration Approval Required. Contact Instructor or Academic Department for permission then register through Webcat.
Instructors: STAFF
Additional Course Details:
Spanish 797. Fall 2022.
Dr. Scott Weintraub
Literature and the Art of Intoxication.
TR 9:40-11.
In Latin American and Spanish literatures and cultures, there are many works that seek to represent altered states of consciousness. In this course, we will explore numerous ways in which states of intoxication, rapture, and ecstasy have appeared in literature, seeking to understand these changes to identity and radical(ized) notions of subjectivity (including, but not limited to, representations of the subject under the influence of alcohol or drugs). We will therefore focus on a wide variety of texts that engage notions of mysticism, visionary/prophetic experiences, philosophical approaches to the infinite, Surrealism, aleatory writing procedures, the experience of ritualistic drug ingestion, as well as youth culture and countercultural movements.