Timeroom: Fall 2022

Displaying 301 - 310 of 397 Results for: Campus = Manchester

HLS 595 (M1) - Independent Study in Homeland Security

INDSTDY/Prevent&Detect Fraud

Credits: 4.0
Term: Fall 2022 - Full Term (08/29/2022 - 12/12/2022)
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
Class Size:   1  
CRN: 16941
HLS 595 is an independent study in homeland security. Its main function will be to allow students to complete a 500 level homeland security course required in the major, but who are not able to take the required course when it is offered. HLS 595 can substitute for the required core course. In addition, students can also take HLS 595 as a sophomore level independent study as a variable credit course for students wanting to more deeply explore an area of interest. Prereq: Senior standing and permission. Cr/F.
Instructor Approval Required. Contact Instructor for permission then register through Webcat.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits.
Instructors: STAFF
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
8/29/2022 12/12/2022 Hours Arranged TBA

HLS 595 (M2) - Independent Study in Homeland Security

IndStdy/HLS 510 Fndmntls of EM

Credits: 4.0
Term: Fall 2022 - Full Term (08/29/2022 - 12/12/2022)
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
Class Size:   1  
CRN: 17130
HLS 595 is an independent study in homeland security. Its main function will be to allow students to complete a 500 level homeland security course required in the major, but who are not able to take the required course when it is offered. HLS 595 can substitute for the required core course. In addition, students can also take HLS 595 as a sophomore level independent study as a variable credit course for students wanting to more deeply explore an area of interest. Prereq: Senior standing and permission. Cr/F.
Instructor Approval Required. Contact Instructor for permission then register through Webcat.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits.
Instructors: STAFF
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
8/29/2022 12/12/2022 Hours Arranged TBA

HLS 615 (M1) - Introduction to Fraud Investigation

Intro to Fraud Investigation

Credits: 4.0
Term: Fall 2022 - UNHM Credit (15 weeks) (08/29/2022 - 12/12/2022)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   15  
CRN: 14197
Fraud Investigation is a specific process including acquisition and verification of information that could lead to the confirmation of fraudulent activity and legal consequences. Course topics include various steps in the fraud investigation process, including identification of fraud, planning an investigation, interviewing, gathering of public and non-public evidence, analysis of data, legal considerations, confidentiality, and writing a fraud examination report. Real-world fraud cases are discussed and analyzed. Required course for minor in Forensic Accounting.
Registration Approval Required. Contact Instructor or Academic Department for permission then register through Webcat.
Attributes: Online (no campus visits), EUNH
Instructors: STAFF
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
8/29/2022 12/12/2022 Hours Arranged ONLINE

HLS 650 (M1) - Intelligence Systems and Structures in Homeland Security

Intelligence Systems

Credits: 4.0
Term: Fall 2022 - UNHM Credit (15 weeks) (08/29/2022 - 12/12/2022)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   30  
CRN: 13755
Intelligence is a systematic process of collection, analysis, and dissemination of information in support of national, state, and/or local policy or strategy. HLS 650 will explore the varied expressions of the intelligence community as it exists in the US. In addition, students will explore the history and development of the IC in the US, major legislative acts that led to the development of intelligence as a major function of US national security strategy. Prereq: HLS 410 or permission of instructor.
Registration Approval Required. Contact Instructor or Academic Department for permission then register through Webcat.
Attributes: Online (no campus visits), EUNH
Instructors: STAFF
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
8/29/2022 12/12/2022 Hours Arranged ONLINE

HLS 651 (M1) - Issues in Intelligence Collection

Intelligence Collect

Credits: 4.0
Term: Fall 2022 - UNHM Credit (15 weeks) (08/29/2022 - 12/12/2022)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   20  
CRN: 16465
The primary focus of this course is to develop an understanding of intelligence collection in the US and foreign nations, the issues facing intelligence collection and a survey of the various forms of collection. Students will learn the role collection plays in the intelligence community, how various policies affect collection and how different agencies monitor and collect intelligence. Prereq: HLS 650.
Registration Approval Required. Contact Instructor or Academic Department for permission then register through Webcat.
Attributes: Online (no campus visits), EUNH
Instructors: STAFF
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
8/29/2022 12/12/2022 Hours Arranged ONLINE

HLS 695 (M4) - Independent Study in Homeland Security

IndStdy/HLS580 Enviro Security

Credits: 4.0
Term: Fall 2022 - Full Term (08/29/2022 - 12/12/2022)
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
Class Size:   2  
CRN: 17156
HLS 695 is an independent study in homeland security. Its main function will be to allow students to complete a 600 level homeland security course required in the major, but who are not able to take the required course when it is offered. HLS 695 can substitute for the required core course. In addition, students can also take HLS 695 as a junior level independent study as a variable credit course for students wanting to more deeply explore an area of interest. Prereq: Senior standing and permission. Cr/F.
Instructor Approval Required. Contact Instructor for permission then register through Webcat.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits.
Instructors: STAFF
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
8/29/2022 12/12/2022 Hours Arranged TBA

HLS 695 (M6) - Independent Study in Homeland Security

IndStdy/HLS 515

Credits: 4.0
Term: Fall 2022 - Full Term (08/29/2022 - 12/12/2022)
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
Class Size:   1  
CRN: 17181
HLS 695 is an independent study in homeland security. Its main function will be to allow students to complete a 600 level homeland security course required in the major, but who are not able to take the required course when it is offered. HLS 695 can substitute for the required core course. In addition, students can also take HLS 695 as a junior level independent study as a variable credit course for students wanting to more deeply explore an area of interest. Prereq: Senior standing and permission. Cr/F.
Instructor Approval Required. Contact Instructor for permission then register through Webcat.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits.
Instructors: STAFF
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
8/29/2022 12/12/2022 Hours Arranged TBA

HLS 760 (M1) - Strategic Planning and Decision Making

Strat Planing & Decision Mkg

Credits: 4.0
Term: Fall 2022 - UNHM Credit (15 weeks) (08/29/2022 - 12/12/2022)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   20  
CRN: 14268
HLS 760 investigates the nature of strategic planning as it relates to homeland security and national security in the U.S. Students explore how strategic planning relates to decision making in more stable as well as uncertain environments. Relevant legislation and past decisions (such as the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban Missile Crisis) are explored including concepts and techniques from making high quality decisions. Strategic communication principles and techniques are presented. Prereq: HLS 510 and HLS 515 or consent of coordinator. Writing intensive.
Section Comments: Manchester Zoom section
Registration Approval Required. Contact Instructor or Academic Department for permission then register through Webcat.
Only listed majors in section: BS:HOMELAND SEC
Attributes: Writing Intensive Course, Scheduled meeting time, Online (no campus visits), EUNH
Instructors: STAFF
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
8/29/2022 12/12/2022 TR 3:40pm - 5:00pm ONLINE

HLS 770 (M1) - Internship in Homeland Security

HLS Internship

Credits: 4.0
Term: Fall 2022 - UNHM Credit (15 weeks) (08/29/2022 - 12/12/2022)
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
Class Size:   25  
CRN: 12699
HLS 770 represents the professional work experience required in the homeland security major. Students work in a professional setting for a minimum of 180 hours under the supervision of a site supervisor. All internships require students to identify and complete work on a specific project (s) approved by the HLS coordinator. Internships may be taken at any time after students have taken 30 credits of university coursework. Note that students who are academically or otherwise unable to enter into internship must take HLS 799 (thesis in homeland security which requires senior standing and permission from the HLS program coordinator). Prereq: HLS 410, HLS 455 and HLS 480.
Section Comments: Must have a worksite and site supervisor to register in Handshake. Minimum of 180 hours on-site is required. See "Professional Experience" requirements posted in HLS@UNH.
Instructor Approval Required. Contact Instructor for permission then register through Webcat.
Instructors: STAFF
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
8/29/2022 12/12/2022 Hours Arranged TBA
Additional Course Details: 

Registering for academic credit does not complete your required internship approval process. Students must register and “request an experience” in the UNH online platform of Handshake once they have their internship. Visit https://app.joinhandshake.com/experiences/new to complete your approval process.

For more information on how to complete the Handshake approval process visit, https://manchester.unh.edu/student-internships or contact the UNH Manchester Career and Professional Success (CaPS) Office with questions.

HLS 790 (M1) - Capstone in Homeland Security

Capstone in HLS

Credits: 4.0
Term: Fall 2022 - UNHM Credit (15 weeks) (08/29/2022 - 12/12/2022)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   10  
CRN: 13324
HLS 790 allows students to work collaboratively with an organization to identify and solve a homeland security, physical security, safety, cybersecurity or emergency management challenges. Each group performs a risk assessment in order to identify their client's primary security or preparedness challenges. Students then use their skill to identify and apply best practices as countermeasures. Students culminate their projects with presentations to their classmates and to their clients. The expectation of this class is to develop a professional example of the student's thinking and writing to solve real world security problems. Prereq: senior standing, HLS 610 and HLS 760 or consent of coordinator.
Section Comments: Manchester Zoom section
Registration Approval Required. Contact Instructor or Academic Department for permission then register through Webcat.
Only listed majors in section: BS:HOMELAND SEC
Attributes: Writing Intensive Course, Scheduled meeting time, Online (no campus visits), EUNH
Instructors: STAFF
Start Date End Date Days Time Location
8/29/2022 12/12/2022 TR 9:40am - 11:00am ONLINE