LPI 912 (04) - Fundamentals of Law Practice

Fundamentals of Law Practice

Law Franklin Pierce School of Law::Public Interest Law (LAW)
Credits: 3.0
Class Size: 18 
Term:  Spring 2025 - Law Full Term (01/13/2025 - 04/25/2025)
CRN:  56876
Grade Mode:  Letter Grading
Through hands-on criminal and civil simulations, students will 1. experience the excitement and challenges of working with individual clients; 2. practice multiple lawyering skills, including managing cases, interviewing and counseling clients, negotiating, developing facts, conducting direct and cross examinations, making oral arguments, conducting and defending depositions, and applying statutes and cases; and 3. observe, reflect, and learn from their classmates' and their own performances. Students will regularly practice new skills and receive feedback from classmates, the Teaching Assistant and their Professor. Coursework includes readings, observations, in-class exercises, regular short writing assignments, and three major writing assignments.
Instructors:  Timothy Sullivan

Times & Locations

Start Date End Date Days Time Location
1/13/2025 4/25/2025 TR 4:15pm - 5:45pm UNHL 201