Managing Conflict
CPS Online
Coll of Professional Studies::Human Resource Management
Online Course Delivery Method:
Online Asynchronous
Credits: 4.0
Class Size: 30
Fall 2024
Term 2 (10/28/2024
Grade Mode:
Letter Grading
This course teaches concepts and skills to manage conflict effectively between two people, within small groups, within organizations, and between organizations and systems. It is designed to help those who want to sharpen their ability to understand, manage, and create opportunity out of conflict. As a result of this course, one knows oneself and others better, enhances personal and interpersonal skills, and develops techniques to improve relations at work and at home. the class may include actual conflict situations through role playing, and practicing new communication skills to prepare managers in real-world situations.
Advisor Approval Required. Contact your Academic Advisor for approval and registration.
HRM 621G,
Campuses not allowed in section: Durham
Marisa Forti
Times & Locations
Start Date | End Date | Days | Time | Location |
10/28/2024 | 12/20/2024 | Hours Arranged | ONLINE |