ANSC 538 (01) - Equine Handling/Longeing

Equine Handling/Longeing

Durham Life Sciences & Agriculture::Animal Sciences
Credits: 1.0
Class Size: 
Term:  Fall 2024 - Term 1 (08/26/2024 - 10/18/2024)
CRN:  14514
Grade Mode:  Letter Grading
This seven-week intensive course provides students with the opportunity to learn to longe a variety of University horses in an enclosed arena under private instruction. The emphasis is on safety and welfare of the horse and handler. Proper equipment and fit are addressed along with different training techniques used to improve the horse's quality of movement.
Section Comments: Maximum enrollment cap is 8 students per section. Priority will be given to all Equine majors, then ANSC: Equine as well as class standing.
Instructor Approval Required. Contact Instructor for permission then register through Webcat.
Equivalent(s):  AAS 538

Times & Locations

Start Date End Date Days Time Location
8/26/2024 10/18/2024 W 4:10pm - 6:00pm LAC 107