ECON 652 (01) - Economics of Artificial Intelligence

Economics of Artificial Intel.

Durham Paul College of Business&Econ::Economics
Credits: 4.0
Class Size: 30 
Term:  Fall 2024 - Full Term (08/26/2024 - 12/09/2024)
CRN:  14245
Grade Mode:  Letter Grading
This course will provide students with a survey of economic models, applied to Artificial Intelligence (AI). The course is divided into three sections. In the first one, we introduce the concept of AI as a General-Purpose Technology that can improve prediction. In the second part, we look at how improved prediction can help decision-making under uncertainty. Finally, we analyze how AI can impact several aspects of business, society, and in particular the labor market.
Registration Approval Required. Contact Instructor or Academic Department for permission then register through Webcat.
Prerequisite(s): ECON 401 with minimum grade of C- or ECON 401H with minimum grade of C- or ECON 402 with minimum grade of C- or ECON 402H with minimum grade of C- or EREC 411 with minimum grade of C-
Classes not allowed in section: Freshman
Attributes:  Writing Intensive Course
Instructors:  Marco Vincenzi

Times & Locations

Start Date End Date Days Time Location
8/26/2024 12/9/2024 MW 2:10pm - 3:30pm PCBE G59