Critical Skills
Term: Fall 2024 - Full Term (08/26/2024 - 12/09/2024)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
CRN: 13573
Times & Locations
Start Date | End Date | Days | Time | Location |
8/26/2024 | 12/9/2024 | MW | 2:10pm - 3:30pm | HS 332 |
This course is required for all English Literature majors.
This course may be taken for Capstone credit by general ENGLISH majors following requirement guidelines in place prior to Fall 2023, pending Instructor approval. Fill out a Capstone Declaration form (available in the main English office, Ham Smith 230F) if you wish to declare it as Capstone.
This course counts as a Post-1800 Literature requirement for English:TBD Majors.
This course counts as one of two Literature courses taken at the 600/700 level for English Teaching majors.
This course may satisfy the CAPSTONE requirement for English/Journalism majors OR it may count as 'one additional 500/600/700 level' English course for English/Journalism majors. If you wish to count this course as your Journalism Capstone please speak to your advisor and pick up a Capstone Declaration form in the English Department main office (HS 230F).