NR 786 (01) - Leadership for Sustainability

Sustainability Leadership

Durham Life Sciences & Agriculture::Natural Resources
Credits: 4.0
Class Size: 30 
Term:  Fall 2024 - Full Term (08/26/2024 - 12/09/2024)
CRN:  11629
Grade Mode:  Letter Grading
In this course we review and evaluate current knowledge and practice regarding the attainment of sustainability in social and environmental relations. We particularly focus on the meaning and qualities of leadership for achieving a sustainable future. Along the way, we also reflect on our own leadership styles and qualities. Topics include the role of leaders and leadership practices in government, business, academia etc; concepts and theories for achieving social change; and case studies exemplifying a range of leaders and approaches toward sustainability.
Section Comments: Other majors may add with permission. Must be Senior status at the start of semester.
Registration Approval Required. Contact Instructor or Academic Department for permission then register through Webcat.
Prerequisite(s): NR 437 or NR 435
Only listed classes in section: Junior, Senior
Only listed majors in section: COMM&ENVIRPLN:: Community and Environmental Planning||ENV CONS SUST:: Environmental Conservation and Sustainability||WILDCONSBIOL:: Wildlife and Conservation Biology
Attributes:  Writing Intensive Course
Instructors:  Julia Novak Colwell

Times & Locations

Start Date End Date Days Time Location
8/26/2024 12/9/2024 F 12:10pm - 4:00pm HS 107