GERM 631W (01) - Advanced Communications Skills I

Adv Communication Skills I

Durham   Liberal Arts :: German
Credits: 4.0
Term: Fall 2024 - Full Term (08/26/2024 - 12/09/2024)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   15  
CRN: 10057
Intensive practice in vocabulary building and developing a sense of appropriate style for various contexts of oral and written communication. Discussion and writing on topics of current interest, written and oral reports, role play, and simulation of everyday situations, reinforced by written work.
Prerequisite(s): GERM 504
Equivalent(s): GERM 631, GERM 631H
Attributes: Writing Intensive Course
Instructors: Alex Holznienkemper

Times & Locations

Start Date End Date Days Time Location
8/26/2024 12/9/2024 MWF 1:10pm - 2:00pm MURK G15