Intelligence Case Studies
Coll of Professional Studies::Nat Sec Intel Analysis
Online Course Delivery Method:
Online Asynchronous
Credits: 3.0
Class Size: 15
Summer 2024
Term 5 (05/28/2024
Grade Mode:
Letter Grading
Case study research involves taking a deep dive into a particular event, considering all the elements that played a part in its occurrence to interpret and learn from the experience. In this course we will examine the role of the U.S. Intelligence Community in the emergence, sustainment, and eventual victory of the Solidarity Movement in Poland in the 1980?s using a mix of archival and edited works. We will then apply those generalized concepts and lessons to develop an intelligence concept of operations addressing a current national security concern.
Registration Approval Required. Contact Instructor or Academic Department for permission then register through Webcat.
Cross Listed With :
NSIA 850 (M1)
Classes not allowed in section: Junior, Freshman, Sophomore, Senior
Only listed majors in section:
NAT SEC INT ANL:: National Security Intelligence Analysis
John Borek
Times & Locations
Start Date | End Date | Days | Time | Location |
5/28/2024 | 7/19/2024 | Hours Arranged | ONLINE |