LD 704 (01) - Leading Teams

Leading Teams

CPS Online Coll of Professional Studies::Leadership
Online Course Delivery Method: Online Asynchronous
Credits: 4.0
Class Size: 30 
Term:  Summer 2024 - Term 5 (05/28/2024 - 07/19/2024)
CRN:  70775
Grade Mode:  Letter Grading
Leadership is the process of motivating people to achieve project goals, usually in a dotted-line organizational setting. The success or failure of the project, and by extension the manager, is dependent upon the manager's ability to assess the team as a whole, (strengths and weaknesses), and to then apply that analysis to the individual team members. Within the course, students will have the opportunity to survey and discuss multiple methodologies used to evaluate teams. Students may analyze how organizational dynamics and structure impact the manager, limit or increase their power, and their ability to perform their job.
Advisor Approval Required. Contact your Academic Advisor for approval and registration.
Prerequisite(s): (LD 600 or LD 600G) and (LD 660 or LD 602G or MGMT 566 or MGMT 566G)
Equivalent(s):  LD 605G
Colleges not allowed in section: Paul College of Business&Econ
Attributes:  Online (no campus visits), EUNH
Instructors:  Jono Anzalone

Times & Locations

Start Date End Date Days Time Location
5/28/2024 7/19/2024 Hours Arranged ONLINE