HLTC 590 (01) - Introduction to Fiscal Management in Health Care

Intro to Fiscal Mgmt in Hltcre

CPS Online Coll of Professional Studies::Health Care
Online Course Delivery Method: Online Asynchronous
Credits: 4.0
Class Size: 30 
Term:  Summer 2024 - Term 5 (05/28/2024 - 07/19/2024)
CRN:  70678
Grade Mode:  Letter Grading
This course is designed for health care managers who do not have a background in financial management. As an introduction to the tools and processes that empower managers entrusted with budgetary oversight, the course provides fundamental skills for effective financial management in the rapidly changing health care environment. Students become prepared to make their organizations more effective in the four managerial functions of planning, organizing, leading and controlling by balancing inflows (revenues) and outflows (expenses), successfully monitoring and controlling costs and staffing, and identifying areas to be targeted for improvement. Strategies to acquire and allocate funds and to plan, analyze, and control financial operations are introduced.
Advisor Approval Required. Contact your Academic Advisor for approval and registration.
Equivalent(s):  HLTC 555G, MGMT 555G
Attributes:  Online (no campus visits), EUNH
Instructors:  John Gagnon

Times & Locations

Start Date End Date Days Time Location
5/28/2024 7/19/2024 Hours Arranged ONLINE