CMN 614 (01) - Gender, Race and Technology

Gender, Race and Technology

Durham Liberal Arts::Communication
Credits: 4.0
Class Size: 20 
Term:  Spring 2024 - Full Term (01/23/2024 - 05/06/2024)
CRN:  56281
Grade Mode:  Letter Grading
Why do digital assistants have women's voices? Are highways racist? This course explores the influence of gender and race on communication technologies. Drawing on communication, gender studies, critical race studies, and science and technology studies, this class engages in a social examination of everyday technologies. We examine the historical relationship between gender, race, and technology and understand how design decisions influence the meanings of communication tools. Students are required to have taken two 500 level CMN courses (C-) prior to this course, unless granted instructor permission.
Instructor Approval Required. Contact Instructor for permission then register through Webcat.
Prerequisite(s): CMN 455 with minimum grade of C and CMN 456 with minimum grade of C and CMN 457 with minimum grade of C
Only listed campus in section: Durham
Classes not allowed in section: Freshman
Only listed majors in section: CMN:BUSAPPL:: Communication: Business Applications||CMN:MEDIA:: Communication: Media Practices||COMMUNICATION:: Communication
Attributes:  Writing Intensive Course
Instructors:  Nora Draper

Times & Locations

Start Date End Date Days Time Location
1/23/2024 5/6/2024 TR 9:40am - 11:00am HORT 110