CS 518 (02) - Introduction to Software Engineering

Intro to Software Engineering

Durham Engineering&Physical Sciences::Computer Science
Credits: 4.0
Class Size: 36 
Term:  Spring 2024 - Full Term (01/23/2024 - 05/06/2024)
CRN:  53950
Grade Mode:  Letter Grading
Study of software development practices and processes in the following areas: software life cycle; system validation and verification; development pipeline; cloud infrastructures; virtual machines, and containers; logging, instrumentation, and performance; fundamental security concepts. Experience working in groups. Restricted to students not in Senior Standing.
Registration Approval Required. Contact Instructor or Academic Department for permission then register through Webcat.
Prerequisite(s): CS 416 or CS 417
Only listed colleges in section: Engineering&Physical Sciences
Instructors:  Matthew Plumlee

Times & Locations

Start Date End Date Days Time Location
1/23/2024 5/6/2024 MWF 11:10am - 1:00pm MORSE 217