BMCB 501 (01) - Biological Chemistry

Biological Chemistry

Durham Life Sciences & Agriculture::Bchm, Molecular&Cellular Biol
Credits: 4.0
Class Size: 120 
Term:  Spring 2024 - Full Term (01/23/2024 - 05/06/2024)
CRN:  51309
Grade Mode:  Letter Grading
Survey of the molecular basis of life with a focus on the mechanisms of biochemical reactions in metabolic pathways, beginning with an overview of functional groups and organic reactions relevant for living organisms. Bioenergetics of carbohydrate, lipid, and nitrogen metabolic pathways.
Registration Approval Required. Contact Instructor or Academic Department for permission then register through Webcat.
Prerequisite(s): (CHEM 403 and (CHEM 404 or CHEM 404H) ) or CHEM 411
Only listed campus in section: Durham
Only listed majors in section: ANIMAL SCIENCES:: Animal Science||ANSC:DAIRY:: Animal Sciences: Dairy Management||ANSC:EQUINE:: Animal Sciences: Equine Studies||NUTR:DIETETICS:: Nutrition: Dietetics||NUTR:NUTRWELL:: Nutrition: Nutrition and Wellness||NUTRITION:: Nutrition||SUSTAGRBA:: Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems||SUSTAGRBS:: Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems||WILDCONSBIOL:: Wildlife and Conservation Biology||ZOOLOGY BA:: Zoology
Instructors:  Nate Oldenhuis

Times & Locations

Start Date End Date Days Time Location
1/23/2024 5/6/2024 TR 3:40pm - 5:00pm PARS N104
1/23/2024 5/6/2024 W 2:10pm - 3:00pm HS 205
Final Exam5/15/2024 5/15/2024 W 1:00pm - 3:00pm HS 210