GREK 795 (B01) - Special Studies

Special Studies

Durham   Liberal Arts :: Greek
Credits: 4.0
Term: Summer 2023 - Full Term (05/22/2023 - 08/11/2023)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   1  
CRN: 71177
A) Pre-Socratic Philosophers; B) Hellenistic Greek Authors; C) Menander; D) Callimachus; E) Apollonius of Rhodes; F) Theocritus; G) Polybius; H) Greek Authors of the Roman Empire; I) Plutarch; J) Septuagint; K) New Testament; L) Greek Church Fathers; M) Byzantine Authors; N) Spoken Greek O) Advanced Greek Composition; P) Introduction to Classical Scholarship; Q) Greek Epigraphy; R) Greek Dialects; S) Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin; T) Homer: A Linguistic Analysis; U) Greek Institutions; V) Paleography and Textual Criticism. Topics selected by instructor and student in conference. Prereq: permission. Each special topic may be repeated two times.
Department Approval Required. Contact Academic Department for permission then register through Webcat.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits.
Attributes: Writing Intensive Course
Instructors: R. Scott Smith

Times & Locations

Start Date End Date Days Time Location
5/22/2023 8/11/2023 Hours Arranged TBA