GCHS 810 (M1) - Conflict & Human Security

Conflict & Human Security

Credits: 3.0
Term: Spring 2023 - E-term III (01/17/2023 - 03/10/2023)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   12  
CRN: 55089
Examines patterns and trends of armed conflict, especially terrorism, insurgency and civil war in the 21st century. Reviews conditions that are likely to lead to war and the myriad ways conflict affects the economy, political system, and cultural norms of a society. Explores how civil wars end, key elements of effective peace processes, and the conditions under which mass violence is likely to resume. Examines conflict prevention strategies such as: preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE), disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) of combatants, and reform of police and military forces (security sector reform/SSR). Case studies on countries in Asia, Middle East, Africa and Latin America.
Section Comments: Tech requirements: microphone & webcam. Students not in the GCHS program must have permission from the GCHS Coordinator Melinda Negron-Gonzales. Short 8-week format. Firm deadlines for assignments spread throughout the 8 weeks.
Registration Approval Required. Contact Instructor or Academic Department for permission then register through Webcat.
Cross listed with : GCHS 710.M1
Only listed majors in section: GLB CON HMN SEC
Attributes: Online (no campus visits), EUNH

Times & Locations

Start Date End Date Days Time Location
1/17/2023 3/10/2023 Hours Arranged ONLINE