MATH 525 (01) - Linearity I

Linearity I

Durham   Engineering&Physical Sciences :: Mathematics&Statistics
Credits: 6.0
Term: Fall 2022 - Full Term (08/29/2022 - 12/12/2022)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   25  
CRN: 10576
Examines the fundamental role that linear models play in science and engineering; and the role of linearization in understanding nonlinear phenomena. Models are considered along several conceptual axes: discrete to continuous, one-dimensional to multidimensional, and static to dynamic, with an emphasis on the former. Mathematical areas of coverage include matrix algebra, concepts from calculus of several variables, difference equations, and linear transformations. Prereq: MATH 426, permission. Lab.
Department Approval Required. Contact Academic Department for permission then register through Webcat.
Instructors: STAFF

Times & Locations

Start Date End Date Days Time Location
8/29/2022 12/12/2022 MWF 12:10pm - 2:00pm HS 105
Additional Course Details: 

For permission to take this class, please email Dr. Adam Boucher (