CMN 772 (01) - Seminar in Media Theory


Credits: 4.0
Term: Fall 2019 - Full Term (08/26/2019 - 12/09/2019)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Class Size:   12  
CRN: 15539
Detailed analysis of major theories related to the interaction of communication technologies and society. Application to current examples in politics, advertising, and entertainment. May be repeated for a different topic. Prereq: CMN 455, 456, 457 and two 500 level courses, or permission.
Section Comments: Full Title: Seminar in Media Studies: Vlogging
Department Approval Required. Contact Academic Department for permission then register through Webcat.
Prerequisite(s): CMN 455 with minimum grade of C and CMN 456 with minimum grade of C and CMN 457 with minimum grade of C
Repeat Rule: May be repeated up to unlimited times.
Only listed campus in section: Durham
Classes not allowed in section: Freshman, Sophomore
Only listed majors in section: CMN:BUSAPPL, CMN:MEDIA, COMMUNICATION
Attributes: Writing Intensive Course
Instructors: STAFF

Times & Locations

Start Date End Date Days Time Location
8/26/2019 12/9/2019 M 3:40pm - 5:00pm HORT 115
8/26/2019 12/9/2019 W 3:40pm - 5:00pm HORT B01
Additional Course Details: 

Vlogging has exploded in popularity over the past few years. As a means of self expression, sharing information, instruction, marketing, or expressing opinions, vlogging at its best and most effective is not just a casually produced, brief account of one’s day. Creating an engaging, substantive vlog post is not as easy as it looks. Noted vloggers (including many YouTubers) spend hours carefully constructing their vlog posts, and much of the same methodology, production values, and story crafting traditionally used in a short documentary, or a topical television “news magazine” segment are used in popular vlogs today. We’ll watch and discuss vlog posts by some of the best in the business, including a wide variety of subject matter, from college vlogs to travel vlogs, news & opinion vlogs, etc. Each student will choose from the myriad topics and styles that exist in the “vlogosphere”. There will be a requirement of a minimum of one vlog post per week, in light of the need for consistency in production in order to build an audience. We’ll practice key video production and post production methods, which in addition to using cameras and editing software, will also include writing, practice using a teleprompter, and working at developing an on camera presence and persona. Over the course of the semester, students will develop and enhance their ability to produce sophisticated content which includes strong narrative communication.  The fall ’19 semester’s vlogging class will
focus on various topics that the Communication Department has addressed in itscurriculum, such as the opioid crisis, immigration, mass media criticism, and
others.  Writing Intensive